Monday, February 19, 2007

chapter 1

They looked at the screen.
"What do you think?" Dawn said.
George said, "I guess it's all right. It'll really-- How do they do it? It's safe?"
"I'm pretty sure whatever they do, it's safe. They wouldn't be able to do it if it wasn't safe."
"I don't know how I feel about your ideas. Your guesses really suck sometimes."
"What did I do, could you just tell me that? Why am I being interrogated?"
"Nothing. Nothing, forget it. How does it work? What do we have to do?"
"Jessica said she and Maura just sat down."
"What else did they say?"
"I didn't ask anything else."
"It can't be that easy, let's call them."
George called Jessica and Maura. The machine answered.
"Try calling the travel people, ask them."
"I'm angry right now. Just let me calm down before I say, all right, this is what we'll do instead of getting on a plane. This is my first vacation in twenty years."
"It's mine too. If you won't, I'll go get a round-trip ticket or whatever they call it there. I'll have as much fun as they did, all by myself, and you'll just be waiting here for Jess and Mo to call back."
"You know? I don't want to argue about this. I'll call them, but I want to wait until tomorrow morning."
He called the travel people.


MadisonGlass said...

Sorry. I'm getting to it. It's good. I'm lame.

adam said...

This isn't exactly a project with deadlines. I'm doing a full-time courseload this semester, plus commuting by bicycle and writing other things on my own. No pressure.